Posted on 12/9/2011

Don't forget to bring in your Toys for Tots toy donations into our shop by Monday, December 12th! We are especially looking for gifts for children ages 12-16, who are often forgotten this time of year. How Can You Help?Drop off your Toy Donations at Mark's Auto Service now through Monday, December 12th! Donate your existing Mark's Auto Service Rewards Card Dollars towards purchasing toys. We will use your Rewards Card Dollars to purchase toys for underprivileged children this Christmas through Toys For Tots. Call or come into our shop for details. 905-844-1111Learn more online at the Toys For Tots website
Posted on 12/1/2011

Our December Charity of the Month is TOYS FOR TOTS. Toys for Tots' mission is to 'bring the joy of Christmas to needy children'. Mark's Auto Service will donate $5.00 to Toys for Tots for every online appointment scheduled this month. Schedule your Online Appointment Here. When booking an appointment online, please select the charity you want to donate to from the Charity Drop-Down Box. Thank you for helping us support Toys for Tots! Learn more about Toys for Totshere.