Posted on 9/25/2013

Seasonal car care planning and preventative maintenance can save you money and time as the weather changes. Article from Mobile1 Timely maintenance does more than keep your vehicle running smoothly. It will save you money in both the short- and long-term because you are improving your vehicle's trade-in value, getting the most out of its mileage, and preventing costly repairs down the road. In addition to keeping cash in your pockets, performing routine maintenance and using quality products can help drivers stay safe through even the nastiest of conditions. Maintenance plays a big role in staying safe - according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about one in eight crashes can be attributed to mechanical defects due to neglected vehicle maintenance.To avoid costly repairs and ensure your safety, prepare for harsh conditions in advance by following a few simple guidelines:Early Fall ... read more
Posted on 9/25/2012
There are three parts of a vehicle -- brakes, tires, and shocks -- that work all together and are often called The Safety Triangle. Car Care Canada recommends ensuring that all the safety features on your car are properly maintained and in proper working order. They recommend paying particular attention to the Safety Triangle. These three parts of a vehicle -- brakes, tires, and shocks -- all work together: BRAKES Brakes are the most critical safety item on a vehicle. And studies show that after tires, they are the leading vehicle defect reported at highway accidents. All three parts of the safety triangle must be in good working order to ensure top stopping, or braking performance. . TIRES Tire inflation is something very straightforward that motorists can check themselves. Low tire pressure can increase braking distance. At any one time, vehicles stay on the road courtesy of about four hand-sized pieces of rubber compound. With ... read more
Posted on 4/10/2012

Every region has its version of spring. Spring time usually means spring cleaning, a “fresh” start, out with the old in with the new. Cleaning the house, cleaning the car, an cleaning the dust of the bikes in the garage. Many of us just look forward to that day when they instinctively know that the last severe winter storm has come and gone. But that doesn't mean there won't be a late freeze or surprise snow flurry. It does mean, however, that these hardy souls can start attending to their cars after a too-long winter, a process shared by everyone in varying degrees. Cleaning Up As you're putting those heavy coats back into mothballs, it makes sense to do a little post-winter clean up on your vehicle. After all, it takes the brunt of winter's misery, whether in the form of torrential downpours, freezing rain, or mountains of snow. Tires First, tend to your tires, even if you drive on what the industry refers to as "all season" tires. Heavy, consiste ... read more